
We want all of our members and readers to have easy access to the latest developments in the world of airborne public safety.
Find out what’s happening here!
Carolina Beach (NC) PD Receives Funding to Expand Drone Unit
NYPD Using Drones to Combat Increase in Robberies, Assaults in Central Park
Frederick Police Looking to Create Drone as First Responder Program
Lost 93-Year-Old Women Found with Sumner County (TN) EMA’s Drone
Video Shows Nashville PD Capture Fugitive with Assistance from Police Helicopter
Onondaga County (NY) Sheriff’s Helicopter Finds Man Who Fled Car Crash
Scottsdale (AZ) Police to Use High-Tech Drones as First-Responders
Colorado Springs (CO) Police Test Drones as First Responders
University of Illinois Police Say Stadium Safer Than Ever, In Part Due to Drones
Teton County (WY) Search and Rescue’s Helicopter Assists with Hiker Rescue in Idaho
Broward (FL) Sheriff’s Office Marks One Year Since Deadly Helicopter Crash
Louisville Metro PD Helicopter Chase Leads to Fiery Crash, Arrest
Riverside County (CA) Sheriff’s Helicopter Airlifts Five Stranded Hikers
Virginia State Police Med Flight Helicopter Rescues Injured Hiker
Fon du Lac (WI) PD Drone Assists in Locating Missing 3-Year Old in Cornfield